The High School Leckhampton The High School Leckhampton


Welcome to the HSL PTFA

The High School Leckhampton Parents Teachers and Friends Association, otherwise known as the PTFA, offers a fantastic way for parents and carers to support the school.

The objective of the PTFA is to advance the education of pupils in the school, which may include:

  1. Developing more extended relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school
  2. Engage in activities which support the school and advance the education of the pupils attending it
  3. Provide and assist in the provision of facilities or items for education at the school that are not provided from statutory funds

Stay in the loop on all the PTFA events! Follow us on Facebook at THSL PTFA and now on Instagram @highschoolleckhamptonptfa.

PTFA Calendar 2024/25




PTFA Meeting 5th September 2024 7:30pm
Icebreaker Disco  20th September 2024  7pm-9pm
PTFA AGM  24th September 2024* 7:30pm

*The AGM is not on 26th September 2024, as stated on the school website calendar. We are aware of this but cannot delete the date due to a technical issue. Thank you for your understanding. 

Volunteering for the PTFA

The PTFA welcomes anybody generous enough to want to contribute their time to help out at the events we support. If you are able to volunteer at an event, we operate a broadcast group on WhatsApp, where we:

● Share details of what is being organised for an event

● Ask for help from volunteers

To get involved click here to join the PTFA Volunteers WhatsApp group, thank you.

PTFA Committee 

The management of the PTFA is vested in a committee, which meets at least once per term and all members are welcome to attend.

All members (current parents, guardians and teachers) and associate members (friends) are welcome to attend the meetings to discuss the given agenda and contribute their ideas and be part of the discussion.

Upcoming committee meetings

AGM on Thursday 28th September 7pm 2023 (TBC)

Who is on the PTFA committee?

● Chairperson – Kelvin Jones

● Vice Chairperson – Amy Barber

● Secretary – Kerry Lea

● Treasurer – Janice Taylor

What if I can’t attend the meetings?

We understand that you may not be able to attend a committee meeting, even if you are interested in the proceedings. If there is something you would like to add to the agenda, please contact the PTFA ( with as much information as possible so we can discuss your ideas at the next meeting. Minutes of the committee meetings are also available on request by emailing 



The PTFA raises funds to support the school in purchasing additional educational items and facilities for the school. For example, in 2022-23 we raised money for library books and we are currently raising funds towards kits for THSL sports teams as well as supporting other much-needed projects. We welcome donations at all our events and are dependent on your support. You are welcome to contribute gifts / prizes for future events and if you are able to give any time or skills to support the PTFA, please fill out a pledge form and email to

Shop online and support our school with EasyFundraising

We've partnered with EasyFundraising to raise funds for our school without any extra effort. Here's how you can contribute:

  • Sign up to EasyFundraising using this link
  • Shop online as usual and retailers donate on your behalf, at no extra cost!
  • Thousands of popular retailers participate, including John Lewis, Amazon, Tesco, Currys, Asda, Iceland, eBay and Apple, offering a wide range of products and services.
  • Transparent tracking lets you see the impact of your contributions.
  • No extra cost, just maximum impact for our students!

Thank you for your support!